This spring has been unseasonably warm and sunny. So sunny, in fact, that we've had some time to reflect on our home's cleanliness. It's like year-round spring cleaning around here.
If you've met my mother, you might imagine our standards. They're high. So high, in fact, that quite often I find myself struggling to wash the corners of our windows by sticking my arm through the slit in the bottom. It never works.
Just the other week, however, our whole world changed in Bartell Drugs (Ohioans, think CVS or Rite Aid). As I shopped for some cards and other household essentials Dominic enjoyed an "As Seen on TV" ad for different products Bartell's sells. In fact, they have an entire aisle devoted to the things you can only buy from TV. As you may recall, we don't have a television (I returned the converter box last week as it didn't work when buses drove by) so our lives have been devoid of this helpful information. What Dominic saw, however, was a tool so helpful it has earned it's very own blog post...
Are you curious?
That's right -- a tool marketed for car owners who struggle to reach the inside of their windshield, this wonder with an extendable handle allowed us to access the far reaches of our street-facing windows. What a treasure.
I do like looking out clean windows. We haven't had to worry about it in Columbus, though, as we haven't seen much sun so the dirt doesn't show (there are a few advantages to this gray weather). I'm sure I'll be at it though this weekend with the promise of sunshine. You need to tie Dom to the futon, though, so he doesn't fall out in to the trees.
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