Sunday, December 09, 2012

A Few of Our Favorite Things

Today I was invited to a Favorite Things gift exchange. It was a fun idea my friend Jill had for a holiday party that pulled together four friends who have stayed close since high school. 

Rachel hosted brunch and we were each told to bring four copies of a favorite thing. It could be anything with a maximum of $10/item. Think Oprah's tradition on a miniature scale. 

We each had an opportunity to go around and present our favorite thing to the group. Thanks to my friend's impeccable taste and generosity, I have a minty eucalyptus smelling bedroom, shiny cherry tasting lips and warm (or cold) beverages to sip on during my commute. Each of these items spoke to our desire to look good, feel good and smell good this season. It was a fun event and a nice way to exchange gifts. 

What would you take to a Favorite Things party this year?
Any guesses on what I took?

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